15 More Random Facts About Me

Happy Monday my beautiful loves and welcome back to another random facts post! The one that I did before my birthday got such an amazing response that I thought it would be fun to follow-up with another list of random facts that you might not know about me. I was trying to think of a way to shoot photos for this post and then the wind came. So I figured, let’s not plan it out and see where the wind takes me… literally. 🤗 I’m learning to love moments like this a bit more where there’s less expectation. It’s honestly been more freeing for me because majority of the time things don’t go as I envision or plan them to, especially my shoots. I’m just doing my best to embrace whatever happens in all aspects of my life. I feel lighter because of it. Ok enough of that for now. Without further adieu, here are 15 more random facts about ME!

  1. I have very vivid dreams that are often a premonition of something to come. You probably won’t believe me or will think I’m crazy, but a lot of my dreams have come true in certain ways. My intuition is always so on point too. I like to think it’s my father communicating with me.
  2. I didn’t declare my major until my junior year of college. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to focus my studies on until I realized that I wanted to do something with writing and media.
  3. I am extremely indecisive when it comes to making certain decisions. I tend to overthink and confuse myself to the point where I can’t make up my mind.
  4. After I lost my job and before I created the blog, I did personal shopping and closet clean out/consultations for other women.
  5. When I first started recording music at 16, I wrote and sang snippets for local DJs to put on their mixtapes.
  6. I am a coffee mug hoarder with cabinets filled of them. I started a tradition where every time I travel I would come home with a new one. I had to stop that tradition though because I have no more room to put them all!
  7. I’ve always secretly dreamt of designing my own clothing line one day. I’m not very good at drawing, but I would always try to sketch out my ideas and sometimes still do. Maybe one day this will happen?
  8. I went through a makeup phase in high school where I wore white eyeliner and dark lip liner with nude lipstick all at the same time. My eyebrows were also horrible because I had no idea how to use a tweezer. You know what, let’s not even talk about this anymore.
  9. I’ve always had pets and can’t imagine my life without them. In my lifetime, I’ve had 4 hamsters (Muffy1, Muffy 2, Fluffy and Frisky), 3 dogs (Cuddles, Kiko and Mikey), 1 bunny (Thumper), 1 turtle (Speedy) and even several goldfish that I can’t remember their names. To all the ones who have passed away, I miss you.
  10. I’ve been driving the same red 2003 Mazda 6 ever since college and have no plans of getting a new car anytime soon. My dad told me my freshman year of college that if I got a 4.0, he would buy me a new car. So I studied my ass off and got a 4.0! I feel like letting go of that car is like letting go of another little piece of him.
  11. I used to have my belly button pierced.  So happy I took that out a long time ago.
  12. I have a huge avocado and cheese obsession. I could seriously eat both of these things every day for the rest of my life and be happy.
  13. A few years ago I chipped my front right tooth and still have no idea how it happened.
  14. I am absolutely horrible at math. It’s the one subject that I never succeeded in. I am just not good with numbers. At all. I still count with my fingers sometimes. Don’t judge me.
  15. Some of my past jobs include a marketing research firm, Lucille Roberts Express, a clothing boutique and a freelance stylist for photo shoots. I feel like I’ve done it all!

Thanks so much for reading! I thought that this would be a fun way to kick off the week. Did any of these surprise you? Did you already know some of these? I hope you all have an amazing Monday. 😘

P.S. I also wanted to say a huge thank you for all the love and feedback on my last Behind The Blogging Scenes post. I am so happy that I decided to create this new series and I love being able to have a conversation about these topics with all of you. Thank you for keeping me motivated and inspired!

  1. I also collect mugs and I am also running out of room!!!!

    • Naty

      Ahhh where do we put them all?! I still want more lol

  2. Jennifer Burgos

    Girl! I still use my fingers when I’m adding numbers too lol.

    • Naty

      So happy I am not the only one! lol I get embarrassed about it too so I try and do it so discretely 😂

  3. Bethalize

    Super cute I love number 8 and number 10 girl my eyebrows were crazy as hell I used to draw my eyebrows with eyeliner 😫😫😫😂😂😂 girl hotmess.com

    • Naty

      LOL! I think we all went through crazy beauty phases. Whenever I see those old photos I cringe haha xo

  4. Stella Pena

    I soooooo love your dress!!! And all your funny…cool facts!!
    Where oh where do you do all your shopping?!?

    • Naty

      Thanks Stella! It’s actually from last year from Dynamite 🙂 I get my clothes all over honestly! I love Zara, TopShop, H&M, Dynamite, ASOS, fun new brands I find out about through the blog and really anywhere that I find something I like haha

  5. Carol

    Lol haha. Thought I was the only one with avocado and cheese obsession

    • Naty

      haha you are NOT the only one. literally obsessed with both lol

  6. @soni303

    Nice! Number 14, that’s me! 🙈 Whenever I travel I collect shot glasses and I do not even drink a shot of anything!! Lol

    • Naty

      Lol! I tend to drink out of the same few coffee mugs every week ha! But I definitely think it’s a fun collection to have 😉

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