Meet Naty

naty michele on nyc fire escape

Hey, I’m Naty!

Welcome to my site. I hope you grab a cup of coffee, take a look around and stay awhile.

My blogging journey began back in 2011 at a time when I was craving for a creative outlet. It had been one year after I lost my father suddenly to cancer and simultaneously had been laid off from my 9-5 finance job. I was at such a transitional point in my life trying to navigate my way through grief and loss. In so many ways, this blog became such a therapeutic release and it helped me find new direction and purpose in life. It initially started out as a part-time passion project, but eventually it transitioned into my full-time business.

For the first couple of years, I focused solely on fashion and my personal style, but as time passed by and I began to build an online community, I rebranded to a lifestyle blog in 2016. This really gave me the opportunity to expand my content and reconnect with my love for writing.

It’s now 2021 and my content has taken more of a personal direction with lots of transparent life chats, details about my solo travels (8 countries and counting), self-improvement pieces and what life has been like living alone in New York City in my mid-30s. Fun fact: I didn’t move out on my own for the first time until I was 34. You’ll read more about that on here and I hope my story encourages you to stop putting yourself on a timeline.

While you’ll still find fashion, beauty and even home decor content on Naty Michele, I’ve found that what I’m most passionate about is storytelling and connecting with all of you through meaningful conversations. I hope you always leave my site feeling inspired and motivated to go after your dreams and more importantly, to embrace where you are right now in your own journey.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to email me at for any inquiries or partnerships.



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