Monthly Archives: May 2012

Neon Aztec Skirt


Happy Thursday!  I’m so happy to be doing an outfit post today.  The past two days I have been extremely tired and run down…..

Boho Chic Style


Hey loves!  I’ve had this outfit in my head for months now and since yesterday was extremely hot and beautiful, I decided to finally wear it!…

Pleated Romper


Happy GORGEOUS Friday lovies!  I’ll be spending my Memorial Weekend in the city with one of my friends and I will definitely try to have her take some photos of me in my outfits!…

Cage Top


Hey dolls, I’m back again! Just when I was about to step outside it started to rain so I took photos inside today….

Versatile Blogger Award


I’m very honored to say that I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Elsa Mix & Match! I feel so appreciative of this because I’ve had this blog for less than 6 months and I am so proud to see how far it’s already come….