Meet Naty

Hi, I’m Naty!
Welcome to my site. I hope you grab a cup of coffee, take a look around and stay awhile.
My blogging journey began back in 2011, during a time when I was craving a creative outlet. Just a year earlier, I had lost my father suddenly to cancer and was laid off from my 9-to-5 finance job. Navigating through grief and loss, this blog became a therapeutic release, helping me find new direction and purpose. What started as a part-time passion project eventually evolved into my full-time business for the next decade.
Storytelling and connecting with all of you through meaningful conversations have become my true passions. My hope is that you leave here feeling inspired, motivated to chase your dreams, and more importantly, ready to embrace where you are in your own journey.
On this blog, you’ll find life chats and self-improvement pieces, stories from my solo travels, reflections on my grief journey, and experiences from living alone in NYC in my mid-30s to now living in Hoboken with a recent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Over the last 13 years, I’ve shared so many different seasons of life, and I hope you find something that resonates with you.
Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to email me at for any inquiries or partnerships, or to simply say hello.
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