Bringing Sexy Back

Today’s post is all about the sexy back! lol Since I ended my cleanse last week, I have been eating super healthy all through out the day and back on my workout grind and I have to say that I truly have been feeling amazing! There’s nothing like having a healthy body AND a healthy mind.

Dress: C/O Style Era/ Shoes: C/O Bakers (love these)/ Bag: C/O olivia + joy
   I stepped out of my comfort zone a tiny bit with this dress because I don’t typically wear things with an open back like this.  But I have to say I am loving it and felt super confident wearing it.  This dress has the perfect combination of sexy and girly. The open back adds some sex appeal and the floral print and baby doll style makes it super feminine.  It’s one of those easy breezy pieces that is perfect for those hot summer days.  There was lots of colors to play around with but I decided to bring out the yellow with my bag and white with my shoes.  I also brought out the coral color with my lipstick too.I’ll end the post with this little message:
 Be confident.  Try new things.  Step out of your comfort zone.XO

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  1. In love with this dress! Its definitely out of my comfort zone but it looks so cute!
    Loving your shoes and lipstick too 🙂

  2. You look more than stunning! And I am dying about the back.. Anyways, I completely agree with you – healthy minds in a healthy body:)

  3. Dab

    Darn True girl, you are bringing your sexy back to just flatter everyone,you look fab & the dress is very pretty…good going sugar,god bless..

  4. You most definitely brought sexy back! You look fantastic in this little number and I love your confidence!

  5. so in love with this dress! I love backless dresses!!! totally my style 😉


  6. Love this cut of dress on you. These "sexy back" dresses can be a bit scary, but you look great!

    Trendy Mondays Blog – making everyday trendy.

  7. You look amazing in this dress Naty!! Love that you are rocking it with such confidence and pride (and love that you can see your tatoo!) super cute dress!!


  8. Yes you did, wonderful dress.

    K xx

  9. Shoes, Bag love!

  10. such a beautiful outfit !
    visit my blog :

  11. The dress is beautiful. I love how you paired it with the bag, it really catches attention!

  12. You look just stunning in this dress. The open back is HOT!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  13. Love that dress, so flirty and fun!

  14. I love this dress! I can see the quality of the new lense now! the photos look great!

  15. LOVE the dress! About to buy one right now. 🙂

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