Christmas In The City

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas!  The holidays are always bittersweet for me without my dad, but I am so thankful for my mom, sister and the rest of my family.  We always manage to still make it special for one another.  For the past two years, my sister and I have taken my mom into NYC to see the tree and have dinner.  My mom never goes into the city unless we take her, so she definitely acts like a tourist every time we go haha.  I had so much fun taking photos of everything and just wanted to share it with all of you.  New York during the holiday season is truly amazing. This was from Christmas Eve, and tomorrow I’ll be sharing what I wore on Christmas Day 🙂

It was so cold so I tried my best to keep warm in this printed LuLu’s coat and these extremely comfortable boots that I got as a Christmas gift from my mom.  After walking around the city for awhile, not once did I complain that my feet hurt 🙂 I hope you liked the photos loves!  It was definitely a memorable and fun night.  My family is everything to me.  As I’ve gotten older, I have definitely realized what matters most and they will always be number one on my list.
Have a great day.
  1. Your photographs of Christmastime in Manhattan are wonderful. It is so long since I have been there that I'd forgotten what is like. You and your mom both look beautiful and fashionable. I love your outfit. The white on black print of your coat is lovely. I hope you have a fabulous and Happy New Year.

  2. Dab

    The city looks heaven, you look like a cute little doll and your mom looks beautiful,she has really big,beautiful and gorgeous eyes, and your sister is very pretty too …,thank you so much for sharing the pictures babe,hope you had fun..

    Dab ..xoxo!!

  3. Such lovely fun pics! Is so nice of you and your sis ( who btw looks exactly like you, both of you super pretty) to make it very special for your mom, you look so amazing! Can't wait to see what you wore for Christmas!

    Cee. ♥
    Code Overdressed

  4. Beautiful pictures! That is such a great tradition to have with your mom <3


  5. Love the pictures. It seems you truly had so much fun 🙂

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