Currently Reading: 4 Books In My 2018 Line-Up

lifestyle blogger naty michele in book store, booklistI recently shared 5 of my personal goals for the year and honestly, I should have added “read more books” to that list.

Reading has always played a major role in my life. Those book fairs in grammar school were my jam! I never got upset about having a summer reading list – and the library – don’t even get me started. At my core, I am a bookworm and that is where my imagination and love of writing came into play at such a young age.

Over the last several years, I’ve noticed that my trips to the bookstore have become less frequent. There’s really no excuse other than, “I’ve had no time” and let’s be honest – that’s a lame excuse. I just got a little lazy and caught up in the digital world. Too much Instagram. Not enough paperback.

I forgot how good it felt to pick up a book and read! The last one that I read in its entirety was The Miracle Morning back in August, so I was definitely craving for something new.

Bookstores have always been one of my favorite places. I used to go to Barnes & Noble all the time with my dad. I love to wander around my favorite sections, randomly pull out books that intrigue me, and then find a quiet corner to sit and skim through. That’s usually how I decide which book I’m going to take home.

I’ve been thinking so much about my personal goals and all the ways that I want to improve and elevate my life this year. For my 2018 reading list, I decided to choose several books from the Personal Development section to keep me inspired and help me have a deeper understanding and connection to myself. I have found that these are the types of books that speak to me the most. I also threw in a more light-hearted read to switch things up a bit!

We’re currently getting a blizzard outside and the only thing I want to do today is curl up with a cup of coffee and my first read of the year. See what’s on my list below!

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

A friend of mine had recommended this to me a few times last year and I honestly forgot about it. The name of the book always stuck with me though. When I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday, it was one of the first books that stared me in the face. I actually couldn’t remember why the title felt so familiar. It wasn’t until after I purchased it and came home that I realized this was the same book she wanted me to read. I started it last night and currently am 18 pages in.

“The Untethered Soul begins by walking you through your relationship with your thoughts and emotions, helping you uncover the source and fluctuations of your inner energy. It then delves into what you can do to free yourself from the habitual thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns that limit your consciousness. Finally, with perfect clarity, this book opens the door to a life lived in the freedom of your innermost being.”

How To Get Sh*t Done by Erin Falconer 

I randomly stumbled upon this one as I was heading to the register. The title, of course, intrigued me. Then I started flipping through the pages, read the intro and knew I had to add this to my reading list. I honestly did not know who the author was before I picked up this book. She actually has a very poplar self-improvement site called Pick The Brain and she’s the cofounder of LEAFtv. I can’t wait to read this and then get shit done!

“Finally, in the first productivity book by a woman in a decade, Erin Falconer will show you how to do less – a lot less. In fact, How To Get Sh*t done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.”
lifestyle blogger naty michele booklist

You Do You: How To Be Who You Are And Use What You’ve Got To Get What You Want by Sarah Knight

I have come across all of her books many times. I always skim through, nod my head in agreement and laugh because the author is hysterical. I love her “No F*cks Given” writing approach. It’s entertaining, but also motivating, which draws me in. I think it’s time I read all of these in their entirety, but I think this one is first on the list.

“From the New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck and Get Your Sh*t Together comes more straight talk about how to stand up for who you are and what you really want, need, and deserve–showing when it’s okay to be selfish, why it’s pointless to be perfect, and how to be “difficult.”

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen

Last night on Insta Stories, I asked for some book recommendations to add to my reading list this year. Thanks to everyone for sending them over! This one really spoke to me the most and I’ve included it in my line-up for 2018! Thank you @dannaselene_!

“The Slight Edge is a way of thinking, a way of processing information that enables you to make the daily choices that will lead you to the success and happiness you desire. Learn why some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else. It’s not just another self-help motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to travel the path to success. It shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.”



There are also a few fun, lighthearted books that I have been wanting to check out for the longest time like, “How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are“- I can’t tell you how many times I have picked up this book at the store to skim through, but never actually purchased it. I’m telling you, Paris has been on my mind so much lately.

Here are a few more recommendations that I got last night and I’ll see which ones I end up adding to the list!

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Battlefield Of The Mind by Joyce Meyer
We’re Going To Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union 
Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispense
A Return To Love By Marianne Williamson
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Power Your Happy by Lisa Sugar
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

What is on your 2018 reading list? Have you read any of these books yet? I’m always looking for recommendations, so feel free to share with me below.

Also, I would love to get your thoughts on whether or not you would like more posts like this in the future. Cheers to more reading in 2018! 📚

  1. I want to read more books this year, especially personal development books. Last year I read a few and they made a big impact in my life. I will be getting next You do You…thanks for sharing you list.

    • Naty

      I’m with ya girl! Let me know what you think about You Do You. That will be the 3rd one I read this year! xo

  2. Miriam G

    Yes! Good post I just got back into reading too 😉 haven’t done so since College. I’m also currently reading similar books. The Blessed Life by Robert Morris and I’ve heard good things about The Like Switch by Jack Schaefer! Happy Reading 😀

    • Naty

      Yay to reading again! Thanks for sharing these books. They definitely sound familiar to me. I will have to check them out! xo

  3. Sakura

    I spent the majority of my childhood living within the pages of books. Not to get too heavy, but there came a time when fictional worlds (particularly Lord of the Rings’ Middle Earth) were the only thing that kept me going. But as I grew older, I too let reading fall to the wayside. I’ve read a few books here and there. But after bingeing the Harry Potter movies recently, I picked up the books to reread them for the first time since I was a kid 😂 I’m mired in Order of the Phoenix for the time being, but I’m determined to start a new habit of reading for an hour before bed so, fingers crossed, I’ll plow through the remainder of the series soon 📖

    • Naty

      Love this! Thank you so much for sharing! I used to LOVE reading fictional novels. For the most part, that is what I read the majority of my life. It’s so interesting to me to see the type of genre I gravitate towards now which is mostly personal growth/self-help, but I want to dive into another fictional novel soon. Can you believe I’ve never read Harry Potter?! Great goal of reading every night. Happy reading! xo

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