Day Trip To Peekskill, NY – Hiking Anthony’s Nose

naty michele at anthony's nose

As most of you probably already know from Instagram, I started running a few months ago and it has been extremely therapeutic. It’s eased my anxieties tremendously and has helped so much with my mental health. I’ve been looking for ways to push myself physically and try new things, so I felt inspired to start hiking. After talking with my friend Grace, I found out that there are several hiking trails upstate. We decided to set something up for Anthony’s Nose this weekend.

I didn’t leave NYC at all this summer. I didn’t go to the beach or for a weekend trip or anywhere other than my mom’s house. I was craving for a mini getaway and this was the next best thing! It felt so good to spend a little bit of time outside of the city and explore a new area.


The best part about heading here for the day is that you do not need to drive. We met at Grand Central and took the metro north up to Peekskill. It runs every hour and it’s about an hour train ride. If you download the app MTA eTix and purchase your ticket on there – you will save a few dollars. It was around $13 each way.

Once we arrived at the station in Peekskill, we took an uber to the hiking trail. It’s probably a 10-15 minute ride and cost around $12-$15.


There are different entry points into the trail so where you choose to start is entirely up to you. We got dropped off at a different entry point than we were expecting, but it extended our hike a bit which we were both happy about. We did a total of 5 miles. I believe the entire trail is 7.6 miles with an elevation gain of 2.241 ft.

You’ll see blue stickers that keep you on the trail path and help you navigate your way, but there’s also a trail map that you can grab at the start. You’ll definitely want to hike up to the main overlook (Anthony’s Nose) and there are a few others along the way that are beautiful too.

Fun Fact: “Pierre Van Cortlandt, who owned this mountain, said it was named for a pre-Revolutionary War sea captain, Anthony Hogan. This captain was reputed to have a Cyrano de Bergerac type nose. One of his mates, looking at this mount as they sailed by it, compared it to that of the captain’s nose.”

anthony's nose


This was my first hike so I don’t really have anything else to compare it to. As a first time hiker I can say that it was a little more challenging in certain parts of the trail, especially where we started. It’s pretty steep for the first .6 miles and feels like you’re walking up a staircase of rocks.

I wore my running sneakers, but my foot slipped on the stones a couple of times. If I continue hiking, which I plan to do, I would definitely want to invest in a pair of hiking shoes. You can absolutely wear sneakers for this hike, just be careful in the areas where you have to climb up the rocks. Part of the trail is flat and smooth too.

What I loved the most was not having anyone else around us for the majority of the hike. It felt very liberating and this intense wave of happiness crashed over me. We had our masks with us, but took them off when it was only us on the trail. I let Grace lead the way so I followed behind her at my own pace. You’ll see people at the overlook for sure, but everyone was spread out along the rocks.


Water, snacks, mask, hand sanitizer, phone charger and backpack. This hike made me so hungry. I only brought kind bars and we grabbed a meal afterwards in the town. We saw a few people eating lunch on the rocks at the overlook and I would probably want to do that next time. I don’t have a regular backpack so I brought the closest thing to it that I have. Definitely make sure to bring enough water and hand sanitizer or hand wipes are a must!


We took an uber from the parking lot to head back into the town and get food. We went to Birdsall House and got burgers, but there’s lots of other places to choose from. After that we walked over to Bean Runner Café for coffee and then we actually walked back to the train station (about 15 minutes or so). There’s a few spots over there to eat as well, like Taco Dive Bar. All the dining is outside and you’ll see that some of the streets are blocked off with tables and chairs for all of the restaurants.

We met at 10:15 in the morning and didn’t get back to the city until 8PM, so it was an all day trip. I highly recommend it! Even if you don’t want to hike the trail, it could still be a nice day trip away from the city and you could spend a few hours exploring the town. Other than the hike and restaurants I am not sure what else there is to do, but it’s always fun to check out new areas.

The hike was such a great workout, but more importantly made me feel so good. I think I found something new that I really enjoy and can’t wait for the next one. There’s a few other trails upstate that I want to try, so I’ll make sure to post about those too when I make my way over there.

Have you ever been hiking or to Anthony’s Nose? Any trails that you recommend? I’ll leave you with this beautiful, unfiltered sunset shot from the train station on the way home. Hope you enjoyed this post!

sunset peekskill ny

  1. John

    Great little story. Glad u enjoyed it. I love hiking this trail. The beginning of the trails can be difficult. There is another entrance, right at the foot if the bridge, by the gate. If u want more of a challenge, try this route. U will have to use ur hands!

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