Flirty Florals

The weekend is finally here and I thought this would be the perfect outfit to set it off right.  I wanted to go with bright colors today to lighten up my mood.  I hope you like it as much as I do!




Dress: C/O OASAP
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
Clutch: Asos
Sunnies: H&M
I am now apart of the fashion bloggers program with OASAP, a global online store that offers women’s apparel, shoes, accessories and more.  I picked this dress because I fell in love with the pink and blue florals.  I haven’t really seen anything like this before so I definitely gravitated towards it.  Isn’t it a beautiful dress?  This is the first piece they sent me and I look forward to more!  This dress is now on sale by the way so make sure to check out OASAP 🙂





I paired it with these super FAB Jessica Simpson heels.  I am obsessed.  My sister got them on sale for $20 and gave them to me.  Score! I just love this shade of pink and they matched perfectly with the dress.  It was a match made in Heaven.  I went with gold accessories and my Asos envelope clutch.  I tried to keep it simple because this dress definitely makes a statement all on it’s own.


On another note, tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of my father passing away from colon cancer. Definitely going to be an emotional day but I will be surrounded by a bunch of loved ones.  One of my best friends is having her bachelorette party in Atlantic City tomorrow so I will be celebrating her upcoming marriage AND my father’s life and legacy… the legacy that I have been trying to continue.. TO INSPIRE.


  1. OMG I LOVE THAT DRESS! and you look beautiful as always! <3


  2. Love your dress and shoes!

  3. WOW!! You are rocking out that dress! I totally love it, and the shoes are perfect. You look amazing!


  4. we have such similar style! I have those shoes and purse! anyway love the dress! take care!

  5. I love your shoes! You look great, dear 🙂

  6. nice!:)
    want to follow each other?

  7. You look uber gorgeous and those shoes are HAWT!

  8. I'm following you now, can you follow me too?

  9. you look absolutely gorgeous, the colors look beautiful on you!

    and goodluck with today.. cannot imagine how hard it much be to loose your father 🙁


  10. U look SEXY! Love ur dress & ur heels!

  11. I LOVE your dress!! And the heels are perfect with it. You look gorgeous girl <3

    xo Nat

  12. You are killing this outfit! Love everything, dress, shoes, bag, hair. You rock!

    xoxo April

  13. another gorgeous look Naty! Hope you are having a great weekend! lots of love to you and your family.


  14. Your heels are to die for! awesome outfit. I'm following

    Check my blog and follow me if you like


  15. The dress is super unique totally love it! And ahh I have those some heels!!! But you got them for $20?! JEALOUS! Haha They definitely head turners. That envelope clutch is too cute as well! Can we steal your outfit pretty please?? 🙂

    Kathryn & Rita

  16. amazing freshy look!! love you pink heels!

  17. Oh my gosh girl you look stunning.. like absolutely perfect! I love your hair and this entire outfit. I'd love that dress if it was a bit longer so it would fit over my big ol' belly ;P

    Dearest Lou

  18. GReat dress!!!

  19. This is such a gorgeous dress! Love the vibrant prints and colors. Those Jessica Simpsons go so well with the dress

  20. Beautiful dress, the shoes really make it pop!

  21. I love this outfit! Although I don't know that I could ever pull it off, it looks fabulous on you.
    I'm very sorry to hear about the anniversary of your father's passing, by the way….it's hard to even imagine the loss of a parent so my heart goes out to you.

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