Life Chats: Finding Your Inner Happiness

Happy Friday my gorgeous loves! I woke up feeling SO sore from yesterday’s Surfset fitness class. It was my first one and I think I might be addicted now. It was an amazing workout filled with cardio and strength training intervals on an elevated surf board! I can’t wait for the next one. Check out the video I posted to IG to see something I learned to do. I was so proud. In the beginning of class I had very little balance and at the end I was able to do this. It’s all about pushing yourself and believing that you can do it, which leads me into today’s topic of finding your inner happiness.

You all know by now that I’m on this new path to self improvement and personal growth in all aspects of my life. I realized last year that I was lacking in the whole inner happiness
department. It came and went in waves, but never stayed around long enough. It took me quite some time to get to the root of it all. Solo traveling helped a lot with that and losing my grandma was another wake up call for me. I also think that I needed to get to a low point emotionally again so that I could find the strength to dig myself out. Far too often I
was allowing negative thoughts to seep through and I constantly felt like I was not good enough. That feeling is the absolute worst. It’s poison! Once you actually start to believe that, it becomes much more difficult to snap out of that mindset. In full transparency, this is something that I have battled with for many years. I was getting better with it, but certain things happened last year and I quickly fell back into that trap. But not today my friends, NOT TODAY. I climbed out of that hole officially and I refuse to live there again.

I am at an age where literally almost every single one of my friends is married, has children, is engaged or in a serious relationship. Two of my best friends actually just got engaged back-to-back, one last month and one last weekend. I am so incredibly happy for them, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel a tiny bit of sadness that I don’t have that yet. I know why I don’t have it yet though and that’s because I still have some work to do. I mentioned this in a post recently, but have to say it again because it holds so much truth. If I am not happy with myself first, then I can never truly be happy with someone else. I have to feel that within myself completely before getting into a serious relationship. Now is the time that I have to keep working on ME. Last year I focused so much on building my brand and everything work related that I neglected my personal life. So now moving forward this is my main focus. I am getting closer and closer to that NYC apartment this year!

I’m being healthy again and staying super active. I’m noticing physical changes in my body which has led to positive changes in my mind and overall mood every day. I am believing in myself so much more and doing what I can to face more fears. That inner voice that was once lying to me with negativity is now giving me positive inspiration and motivation. It’s just like this quote I posted to Instagram the other day. “Your mind will always believe whatever you tell it. Feed it faith, feed it truth, feed it with love.” We control our inner happiness, no one else. Our minds are so powerful, which is why it’s very important to feed it with positive thoughts instead of ones that tear us down. Of course not every day will be a great one. Things will happen that I have no control over, but I can control how I react to them and that’s something I am getting better at. Most importantly, I know that I AM good enough.

The road to finding inner happiness is not always an easy one, but it’s definitely worth the journey. Just know that every single morning when you wake up you have a choice. You can either make the most of this new chance and opportunity that you have been blessed with or you can throw it away and wait for a tomorrow that it is not guaranteed. Stop putting off all of the things that you want to accomplish and do them now. If you want to make some changes, then make them. Don’t let your mind hold you back. Believe in yourself a little more, love yourself deeply and trust your struggles. Things can only break you if you allow them to. To anyone who needed to read this today, I send you love and light. ❤️

  1. Jan

    Thank you and thank you!!! I needed to read this. Love it!

    • Naty

      So happy you read it when you needed it!! xoxo

  2. I’m struggling a lot with this right now. Such a great reminder.

    • Naty

      I know that struggle too well! Sending you love. <3

  3. I really needed to read something like this. Thank you so much for sharing!! I will try to keep this in my mind… Have a nice day!

    • Naty

      So happy you read it when you needed it the most! xo

  4. Great post. I also have struggle finding inner happiness these past few years. I have recently taken on doing on thing that makes me happy everyday and also naming something I am grateful for. It works most of the time, but I still have my bad days.

    • Naty

      Love naming something you’re grateful for. That helps a lot. There will always be bad days though, it’s part of life we just have to find ways to get past them! xo

  5. I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling great! I loved seeing this on Instagram. I was actually just thinking about the same exact thing lately. I haven’t had anything to drink this month (ok, maaaayybe a little) and I’ve been drinking a ton of water and I’ve never felt better.

    I so strongly believe that happiness comes from within. People that seek it in other people, places, or things will never be truly happy. I’m single just like you and I see people all around me getting married, but I don’t think that’s something I want for myself. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m so happy with myself that I don’t think adding another person could make me any happier! Maybe I’ve gone to the extreme, but hey happiness is the end goal either way, right?

    • Naty

      You are always so sweet thank you love! It really does come from within. I learned a long time ago that I couldn’t find it in someone else. I honestly don’t know 100% if I want all of those things for myself either. Sometimes I do and other times I am not really sure. I just know that I am not in any rush. I love that you are always traveling too. One of these days we will have to meet up in another country! xo

      • Aw, you are the sweet one!! I’m with you though. I can go back and forth sometimes too. Would love to meet up somewhere!! xoxo

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