Life Chats

I’m a few months shy from hitting the one year mark of when I first created this Life Chats series!  I started looking back on all of these posts that I have done and all of the personal things that I have shared with you, both the good and the bad.  These types of posts get way more reads than my style ones. In fact out of everything that I post on here, this series always seems to do the best.  Connecting with all of you on this level really just makes me so happy and I will 100% continue on with this series.  Whether you comment on here, on my social channels, via email or even if you read and never say a word, just thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to read what I write and for continuing on this journey with me.

 I think so much about what it means to be an “influencer” and what it means to “have a following” and this is actually one of the reasons why I chose to start Life Chats and even Travel Tuesday.  While I do love sharing my personal style and other fashion and/or beauty related things, [I always will] I have continuously felt the need to share more and to go beyond the outer layer.  I just have so much to say, so I needed to create a better balance of content and bring more substance. This is how I knew that this blog would start to transform into something that went further than fashion.  I’m just a regular girl with a passion for many things in life, who has gone through her own share of struggles.  I’m not perfect and I never want to pretend that I am.  As I’ve gotten older, it’s become easier for me to embrace my flaws and to accept where I am at in my life.  I’ve been broken for a long time with the passing of my father and it was not until recently that I can honestly say that more of those pieces have come together.  Creating content for this blog has been super therapeutic and knowing that so many others have gone through what I have or feel the same way about things as me has been very comforting.  When someone reads these posts and says to me that it’s exactly what they needed or that in some way it helped them see things differently, that makes me feel like I am doing something right.

I look back at who I was and where I was in life when I first started A Love Affair With Fashion.  I was lost.  I did not have a good sense of where I was headed.  I didn’t even really know myself that well anymore.  It’s still so crazy to me that something came from all of this and that I am finally at a point where I am doing what I love and enjoy.  For so long, I didn’t know if that could ever happen for me.  Four years of my life had been spent at a job that made me feel miserable every single day. I don’t wish that feeling on anyone because it’s no way to live, but unfortunately it is the case for many.  We are all so different, but in many ways we are the same.  We go through similar experiences, similar heartbreaks, similar struggles and these are the types of things that just draw us all closer together.  I guess in some way, that’s been one of my hopes with Life Chats.  I have wanted you to feel closer to me and get a better sense of who I am as a woman through my words and not just a blogger through my photos.  I’ve been giving several hints here and there about a new direction that I will be taking with the blog this year.  Unfortunately with my schedule lately, things are going at a slower pace than I would have liked, but it will all be happening soon and I am excited to share it with you guys.  Without giving away too much right now, I will just say that things will continue to move in a more personal direction. I’ve contemplated on this change for awhile now and just came to the realization that it’s finally time.  New beginnings, right?

Thanks for stopping by today loves!  Wishing you all a happy weekend. <3

  1. It's great when you can be inspired by someone through photos and its inevitable to want to get to know you on a personal level. Thanks for sharing; I have been a fan since your FashionBombDaily feature (how ever many years back that was)!!


    Love the coat, especially the wine colored one!

    • Oh wow that was when I had first started blogging! So happy you've continued to read my posts! xoxo

  2. I love reading your life chats series and getting to know you better! I've been doing a similar feature on my blog where I share details of my accident and how it has changed my life. I want my readers to get to know me and why I do things the way that I do. Everything in my life has been influenced by this one moment so it makes sense for me to talk about it. I can't wait to see what direction your blog goes to next. By the way, I LOVE this outfit!!
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

    • I think that's amazing! It takes a lot of courage to be able to open up on a larger platform. So happy that you've been able to share your story.Thanks so much for reading these posts and for showing love and support!

  3. Me inspiras como haz superado lo malo que te a pasado y como dices muchas personas pasanos por algo asi o similar. Gracias por dedicar tu tiempo escribiendo estoy t publicando tus fotos fashion que siempre me ayudan. besitos nena

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