Happy Monday loves!  The weather on Saturday was beautiful and totally felt like summer so I took complete advantage and wore this colorful skirt once again.  It finally started feeling like fall yesterday!
Top: TJ Maxx(also love)/ Skirt & Shoes (also love): Forever21
Bag: olivia + joy (here)/ Bracelet: Mikay Love
Midi Cross & Anchor Ring: Tanya Kara/ Necklace: Gorjana Griffin 
I wore this skirt only once and I have been wanting to wear it again in a different way.  When the sun is shining and it’s warm outside, I can’t help but wear bright colors.  I’m a huge fan of the pink and yellow color combo.  It always reminds me of pink lemonade. I got this top over a year ago and I’ve worn it several times.  It’s definitely one of my favorite finds from TJ Maxx.  It’s so simple, but this is literally my only pink top.  My only concern with tucking tops into skirts is that sometimes, depending on the material, they can bulge out way too much.  I started pinning the tops to the skirt in the back and it’s made a big difference.  If any of you ever have this problem too I would love to know any tricks you might do to fix it! 
I’m wearing another beautiful bracelet from Mikay Love.  Just a reminder that each month, a portion of their proceeds goes to a charity to feed hungry children across the world. 
Since October is breast cancer awareness month, I also wanted to wear something pink to show my support.  My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor and I remember how difficult and scary that time was for my family.  My heart goes out to all of those who have had to battle this disease.  Stay strong and don’t give up the fight! 
I hope you have a wonderful day.
  1. beautiful connection;-)

  2. Hey Naty you look gorgeous as always. Is there any readings you can recommend related to fashion thats not a magazine? Thanks

    • Hi love! There's a ton of great fashion books it just all depends on what exactly you want to read about. There's some on personal style as well as the fashion industry and different fashion icons, etc. You should try doing an online search for the best sellers in the category you're interested in 🙂

  3. You have an amazing sense of style

  4. Dab

    You look really bubbly , and very pretty in this outfit, the brightness from both the colours making you look stunning and cute like a doll…, and just cant ignore the fact that every bit of your step in your fashion way leads me to get inspire by you to help people in any possible way i can, thanks babe<3

  5. Beautiful outfit. Love your amazing skirt.
    xo, Petra

  6. You look great! 🙂

    Maggie A
    Love Mavin

  7. This is a very nice outfit. Love the skirt and how you added the yellow bag to outfit. Also I appreciated, you making the connection to wearing the color pink to breast cancer awareness month. Since I lost my mother to breast cancer this means a lot because you are bringing awareness to lots of people who may not know. And to the program who help feeds children in need. I really love what you're doing. It separates you from the other fashion bloggers and it inspires me so much 🙂

    • Thanks so much Simone! That means a lot to me. I'll always remember the conversation we had about your mom and my father. They say time heals all wounds but I know that neither of us have fully healed since they passed. Just keep doing what you're doing and continue to stay positive and motivated. You're stronger than you know! We are blessed to have our guardian angels and I know they're both so proud of us xoxo

  8. Beautiful colors and I love your peplum skirt! So pretty! I took full advantage of the warm weather this weekend too!

  9. Beautiful!! i love your outfit swety

  10. Looove the outfit! Everything matches perfectly together, the skirt is really cute!

  11. Very beautiful outfit 😉 You are very pretty 🙂

    I follow you beautiful blog. I hope you will follow me back and I will wait for you in my blog

  12. The colors are amazing omg!


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