Plaid About You

Hello beauties!  Today’s post consists of two of my favorite trends at the moment.  
Shirt: Paige Denim (here)/ Jacket: Charlotte Russe (here) c/o
Jeans: Dittos (here)/ Booties: Target (here)/ Rings: Tanya Kara & Gorjana Griffin
  The history of plaid/tartan is really interesting.  I love how it’s been around since the 17th century and has continued to evolve so much.  It’s been worn by all different types of people and in countless ways and here we are in 2013, and it’s one of fall’s biggest trends of the season.  That’s what I love about fashion!  This shirt was in my LF gift bag and I was not quite sure how I wanted to wear it.  This print is truly versatile so there are endless ways that it can be styled.  I decided to go for a casual every day look.  Since oxblood/burgundy is one of my color obsessions at the moment, I thought this jacket was the perfect piece.  It also brought out the color in the print.  I liked the idea of cuffing the ends of my shirt over the jacket sleeves and leaving the top out.  I think it gave this more of a relaxed vibe which is exactly how I was feeling.
I’m doing a Thanksgiving giveaway with Vahife Boutique on instagram, so make sure to follow me there and enter for a chance to win one of their beautiful necklaces! Also, check out my post on Fearless Fashionista today.  It’s all about tips for Black Friday 🙂 
Have an amazing day loves <3
Shop The Trend
  1. hahaha i wore my paige denim shirt in todays post as well 🙂

  2. Very cute casual look. I really like this.

    Maggie A

  3. Love this whole look – and can't believe those cute booties are from Target! They've got the best stuff this year!

  4. I love the lip color and the flannel. Its looks like an outfit, I rock for school. very comfortable

  5. Love this look! That red jacket is perfect!

  6. amazing outfit!! so perfect for thanksgiving 🙂

  7. Love this outfit, the color of the jacket is AHHMAZING! you look great in that wine lip. As always, great post.

  8. Dab

    Looking gorgeous babe, the combo of that leather jacket and check shirt looks really cool and attractive, you looking beautiful that lip colour is completing your skin tone so well….

  9. perfect look!!

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