Quick Hello + Exciting News & Update!

Hello my beauties! Since I’ve been absent on here the last few days, I just wanted to pop in with a quick hello. I apologize for the lack of posts this week, it’s literally just been one thing after the other, both work wise and personally.  I was battling migraines on and off for about 5 days in a row, which is not very normal for me.  This was preventing me from
sleeping at night and every morning I woke up feeling like I was hungover, even though I wasn’t even drinking. So strange! It made me very irritable and have to admit I don’t like that feeling at all. Have any of you experienced this? I decided to just take a little break from shooting and kept it low key all week.  I didn’t post as much as I normally do on
Instagram either. I am finally feeling better though and looking forward to creating new
content for next week! Sometimes a girl just needs a little break, am I right?

Exciting News

Yesterday I was part of an all day shoot with Glamour Mag & Clinique!  This is for a fun
feature with my girl Krystal coming out in March. The opportunity came kind of last minute and I was really excited to work with Glamour for the first time.  They’re actually a magazine that I have always wanted to be featured in, so it feels pretty surreal to have been able to accomplish that goal. Clinique is also a brand that I have used for years and I have worked with them several times before.  I really loved the concept for this project as well as the creative direction. I posted some behind-the-scenes snaps on Snapchat and my Insta Stories that you might have already seen. It was definitely a pinch me moment and the entire team was truly incredible to work with. I loved being around such positive and inspiring energy. I can’t wait to share more of this with you all and I’m excited to kick off 2017 with a partnership like this!

Quick Update

On another note, I am finally working on an email subscription newsletter to launch in 2017. I wanted to focus on another way that I could connect with you all, separate from
social media. What’s better than getting something sent directly to your inbox? Right now if you are subscribed to my blog, you are getting a generic email from WordPress every time a new post goes live. It’s not personal, it’s not designed to match my site, and there’s no real connection there.  It’s really just a way to alert you of my new posts.  I am working to create something engaging and fun to send out every week. It will also be a way to update you of new posts, but I want it to be more than just that. For now, make sure to subscribe to my blog so that you can get on the mailing list!  You can do this by entering in your email towards the bottom of the home page where it says Subscribe. I promise that in the beginning of 2017, those generic WordPress emails will transform into something so much better from me!

Well that’s it for now.  I will see you all next week. Have an amazing weekend. 🙂

  1. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well! I don’t get migraines often, but when i have they are just terrible. Take all the time you need to get back to feeling well, girl!


    Megan at Lush to Blush

    • Naty

      They really are the worst! Thank you Megan! xo

  2. Abril

    Glad to have you have you back nati ! And congrats on your feature
    The color palette

    • Naty

      Aw thanks so much girl!! <3

  3. MihaBalan

    I am sorry you are not feeling well, I hear a lot of people dealing with MIGRAINES this season, not sure why. But if you feel like hangover maybe it’s a good idea to start drinking ( just kidding). Looking forward to see your feature.

    • Naty

      Haha maybe I should?! lol It’s so weird how they just come out of nowhere. Thank you for the love! xo

  4. I suffer from migraines also. Make sure to stay hydrated. Also make sure your vitamin b-12 levels are ok because if they’re too low, that is a huge trigger for migraines. I take a vitamin everyday. So awesome about your opportunity to work with and appear in glamour! you’re doing big things girlfriend!

    • Naty

      That’s a good point, thank you love! I definitely have not been drinking enough water lately. And thanks for the love on the feature! Can’t wait to share more. xo

  5. Filipa Jackson

    Such a babe, so stylish

    Filipa xxx
    PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram

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