Setting Intentions For 2022

Hello 2022! I wanted to get a post up within the first week, but here we are three weeks later. We have been through hell and back these last two years and I truly hope this will be a better one for all of us. I have high hopes, but I am still going to tread lightly and take it one day at a time. I’ve been easing into this year a lot slower than I usually do, which is partly why I haven’t been super active on Instagram. I’ve honestly needed the break away from it but plan to post more regularly again soon.

I read somewhere that January is dubbed as “the Monday of months” and that definitely holds true for me. I tend to struggle a lot at the beginning of each new year. As much as I try to be mindful of my energy, I somehow fall into these little ruts every January. It happened last year around this time and to be transparent, I was not in a very good headspace. I hated starting a new year with that kind of energy.

The first few days of this year I felt great. I thought that maybe I wouldn’t fall into the same rut again, but then it started creeping in slowly. Last week it fully hit me. Anxiety came back like, “Hey, it’s me again” and I had a couple of sleepless nights. It’s extremely easy to go into a downward spiral with our thoughts and that’s definitely not the headspace I want to be in or stay in.

I’ve been working through it and thankfully have learned so much from these last two years. Even though I wasn’t in therapy for a long time, it definitely taught me how I can better handle the moments when I’m not feeling my best. You have to name whatever it is you’re feeling. Acknowledge it and don’t try to ignore it. Once I do that I’m able to take a step back and sit with those emotions for a bit. Some of the things that help me process are journaling, running, not drinking alcohol at home and looking to friends/family for support. All of this to say that I am starting to come out of this January slump and thankfully it hasn’t lasted as long as it usually does.

Setting Intentions

I used to make resolutions for each new year and honestly I never stuck to them for too long. I didn’t have a plan set around those resolutions to help keep me on track and then it always made me feel like I had failed. It wasn’t until several years ago that I started setting intentions instead. Intentions go a lot deeper than resolutions because they align with your values and goals. Intentions are a commitment to yourself.

This shift in mindset has really helped me to create healthier habits for myself. For example, journaling every morning before starting my day or continuing to set boundaries around drinking at home by myself. These are not resolutions to journal more and drink less. The intention behind them has been for me to prioritize my mental health and I know these things help me do that.

Intentions are a lot broader than resolutions and have really given me the space to figure out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to my daily habits. I’ve had to ask myself how I want to show up each day and then figure out what I need to do (or not do) in order to achieve that. I’ve also had to shift any limiting beliefs that have been holding me back. It’s definitely been a work in progress but something I am being much more mindful of. Those negative thoughts that seep through can create a false narrative about ourselves that we begin to believe.

My 2022 Intentions 

I wanted to share some of the intentions I have set for myself this year and I’m sure I’ll continue adding on to this list. These are things that I can say to myself on a daily basis to help me stay on track. As I mentioned above, these are much broader than resolutions.

I intend to…

prioritize my mental health

create healthier habits

stay open to new opportunities and possibilities

be more mindful of the way I speak to myself

continue to do the things that make me feel good

walk away from what no longer serves me

set boundaries and protect my energy

show up for myself every day

give myself the permission to rest when needed

live authentically and unapologetically 

These intentions are a promise to myself. Something I have struggled with a lot over these last two years is feeling like I’m unsure of my purpose. When 2020 hit it completely rocked all of our lives. For me personally, I’ve struggled a lot with booking work and getting back to where I was before the pandemic started. I spent so much time at home alone and that isolation started to affect me in many ways. It triggered anxiety and brought a lot of emotions to the surface that I had tried to hide or ignore. I wasn’t showing up for myself in the ways I wanted to.

Life in New York started to feel so uncertain for me. I didn’t have much going on personally and professionally so I started to question what I was doing with my life. What did I really want for myself? And how could I achieve that? Intentions like these have helped me shift my mindset and turn things around, especially over this last year. 2021 was super transformative for me when it comes to my personal growth and I hope to continue on that path this year.

Thanks so much for reading! I know it’s been awhile since I shared a post on here. I’d love to get your thoughts. Have you set any intentions for this new year? Or are you someone that typically makes resolutions instead? 


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