Summer Short Sets

I’ve been struggling a bit to get back into my style story groove here on Naty Michele. I feel so much inspiration in other areas, like travel and lifestyle pieces, but for some reason I am still trying to find my way when it comes to all my fashion posts. I guess I am a little stuck and need a change in direction, but I am not quite sure what that is just yet. I want to find my passion for this type of content again, but the truth is that lately I’ve been in a such a creative rut. I think part of that is due to coming home from a beautiful country with gorgeous scenery all around me. I’m back here and it’s the same locations. I need to start scouting out a bunch of new places. In all honesty, I think the other part is due to all the changes on Instagram. While I really have let go of caring about the number of likes I get on a photo, it’s still been discouraging to see how low my reach has gotten. Such a small percentage of my insta-friends see my posts now. When I work on creating content, I want those who follow me to see it and my hope is that those who do see it will engage. I want it to start a conversation. I miss that engagement so much.

I went from caring TOO much about curating my feed to not caring at all. I went from getting excited to shoot and post new photos, to not wanting to bother. I am trying to find some middle ground here. While I’d like to think that the quality of my photos and outfits have improved over the years, I think the overall concept of my outfit shoots have pretty much stayed the same. I’m not necessarily saying that there is anything wrong with that, but I’m so ready to embrace some change. Whatever changes I do make, I just don’t want it be forced and it needs to be something that feels natural. I’m curious what you would like to see more of when it comes to my style photos/posts both on here and on IG, so here’s a few questions I hope you can answer. Are curated feeds a factor when choosing to follow someone? What type of images inspire you? Do you focus more on the outfit or the location? What would make you click on my link to a new outfit post or double tap a photo? I just wanted to open up this conversation and get some feedback from all of you. While of course I need to do what feels best for me, I love getting your thoughts and finding out what you respond to the most. After all, I’m not just creating this content for me- I’m creating it for all of you. I want it to be something that you enjoy and engage with. Feel free to leave me a comment below or send me a private message. I value your opinions!

Blazer: Bershka [love this style] | Shorts: Bershka [similar style] | Shirt: BarIII
Bag: bebe [old, also love] | Shoes: Aldo [similar style]

Ok, now let’s get into some details about this summer short set! When I first got to Madrid, one of the first stores that I checked out was Bershka since it was right across the street from my hotel. Apparently, it’s very a popular store in Europe, but I had never been inside one before. All their pieces are super trendy and affordable, so I couldn’t help but dish out some euro while in Spain. No lie, I must have gone here at least 6 times during my trip since they were spread out everywhere. At first I just bought a white faux leather jacket and then I went back to get it in red. On my next visit, I fell in love with these shorts. I got tons of compliments about them on my insta-stories so I  made sure to link them above! They are super comfortable and I love the length. It’s kind of hard to find shorts this length that actually fit me well. The fact that they’re high-waisted is an even bigger plus.

I didn’t buy the blazer until I got to Barcelona. Yes, I went back to Bershka in Barcelona. (at least 3 times) 🙄 When I realized I could wear these pieces as separates or as a cute set, I was completely sold. I wore both the shorts and the blazer during my time in Spain and then I wore them together when I got back home. I’d say that’s money well spent! Versatile pieces get me every single time. The best part about this blazer is the relaxed fit. I am not a fan of fitted blazers anymore. They make me feel too restricted or bring me back to my financial industry days. Eek! I ended up wearing this for a Memorial Day weekend shoot and unintentionally did the whole red, white and blue theme. The bag and red lippie really helped to pop out the look a bit more. 

You’ll see how I wore these pieces separately in my Barcelona post coming up next, so stay tuned! I have to say that one of my favorite things about traveling is checking out different stores. It’s always so fun to see what they sell in other countries vs what they sell here. Even the Zara, Mango and TopShop had such different pieces in Spain than they do here. I swear they get the best stuff in Europe. Luckily for us, Bershka does have an online site and they do ship to the U.S.

Thanks for stopping by today. To reiterate from above, I would love to get your thoughts and feedback. Sending my love to you today and always! ❤️ P.S. I am so sorry for the huge delay on my newsletter. I know that a lot of you signed up already, so thank you! I promise that I am trying to get it all taken care of asap.



  1. vicki

    Hi Naty, I really enjoy your fashion posts and different locations are not a factor. I can tell that travel is your passion though and your travel posts are awesome. I think you know deep down what direction you want to take moving forward. “She believed she could, so she did.”

    • Naty

      Hi Vicki! Thank you so much for the feedback. You’re right. Travel really has become something that I am very passionate about and I love sharing the experience with all of you! I will always love style and continue to share that too, but maybe just not as often. I’ve really enjoyed expanding my content and turning this into more of a lifestyle website. Thank you for keeping up with my posts! xoxo

  2. I’m a new reader but I can totally understand wanting to ensure your content gets seen. I’d so definitely go with your plan of switching locales, it certainly helps me. Also, what usually makes me click through a feed is if there is some cohesion. I like to see someone’s POV quickly. Great post and yes to Europe getting everything, I miss it!

    Leslie / @hautemommie /

    • Naty

      Hi Leslie! Thank you so much for the feedback. I love what you said about seeing someone’s POV through the feed. Such a great point.
      And 100% on switching locations. Time to scout out new spots! xo

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