This is 34!

lifestyle blogger naty michele birthday wearing black evening gown

This is 34! I can’t believe I’m another year older today. Slow down time, you’re moving too fast.

I’m so thankful to have made it to this point in my life. I felt a bit nostalgic waking up this morning as I couldn’t help but reminisce on all of the previous birthdays that have led me to this exact moment. As crazy as it is to be going deeper into my 30s, I’m just very grateful to have been given another year of life.

Last year, I made this mental checklist of all the things I thought I needed to do before today. Some of it got checked off and some of it didn’t. And you know what? That’s OK. I’m learning that I can’t put my dreams and accomplishments on a specific timeline. I think that’s one of the most important lessons that I learned at 33.

It’s so easy to focus on everything that you have not yet achieved when you reach a certain age. To be honest, my life is not what I expected it to be at 34. In fact, it’s not even close. It took me a long time over these last few years to truly appreciate the fact that my journey is very different from those closest to me. I’ve finally gotten to a point where I’m secure enough in what I do and who I am. I believe in my heart that whatever is meant for me will come along exactly when and how it’s supposed to.

lifestyle blogger naty michele birthday blowing out cupcake lifestyle blogger naty michele birthday wearing black evening gown

I’m about to enter a whole new chapter and I’m beyond excited to see what each new page gives me. It’s a bit cliché to say that this will be my best year yet, but I have this strong feeling inside that it’s going to be. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ll finally be moving into New York City in a few months or maybe God has some other big blessings in store for me. I just know that I’m getting better with age and I don’t mean that to sound vain. I just mean that as each birthday passes, I’m becoming a better, stronger and more capable woman.

My twenties were all about self-discovery. I had no idea who I was or what I was meant to do. I made plenty of mistakes and bad decisions. I got my heart broken, a lot. I had to figure out new ways to navigate through life without my father. Those years were probably the most challenging for me, but all of those struggles needed to happen in order to get me to where I am today.

So far, my thirties have been all about strengthening my self-love and reaching my full potential. I’ve been able to push myself in ways that I never imagined I could. I finally see what life is like outside of my comfort zone and it’s pretty amazing. These last few years have taught me to have more patience and to truly accept who I am, flaws and all. They’ve forced me to take a closer look at my inner struggles. My 30s have not been easy, but they’ve definitely been the best.

lifestyle blogger naty michele birthday wearing black evening gownlifestyle blogger naty michele birthday wearing black evening gown

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, so for today I am fully embracing 34 years and the fact that I look like I am still in my 20s! LOL! I’m eternally grateful for my family, friends and all of you for being by my side as I continue to grow through life. It’s amazing to be able to share these moments. I have so much love for all of you!

Happy Birthday to me! Cheers to new beginnings and God willing another 34+ years! I can’t wait to see what happens next and I hope you stay on this journey with me. ❤️

P.S. Wearing this gorgeous Jay Godfrey gown & Loren Hope earrings.



  1. Happy happy birthday Naty! These photos aregorgeous!

    • Naty

      Thank you SO much babe!! xo

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