10 Things I’m Especially Thankful For This Year

lifestyle blogger naty michele laying in a pile of leaves

Where has the year gone? I can’t even believe that Thanksgiving will already be here next week. Can you? It always seems like time passes us by so quickly, especially when the fall season arrives. Pretty soon we will be putting on our party dresses, popping champagne, throwing confetti and ringing in 2018.

The leaves changing colors and dropping to the ground is so incredibly symbolic of the changes that we all go through in our lives. Autumn has always served as this impactful reminder for me of what I need to be appreciative of. Thanksgiving especially is a time for us to take a step back, reflect and give thanks for all of our blessings.

It’s been a challenging year for our world filled with heartbreak and devastation. In the midst of all that sadness, pain and loss we have each felt, it has sometimes been difficult to remember what we still have. There truly is still so much to be thankful for today and always.

Each morning, I try to be more mindful to wake up with a grateful heart for all that God has given me, but sometimes I fall short and lose sight of all I’ve been blessed with. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving and this holiday season that is quickly approaching, I am sharing 10 things (in no particular order) that I am especially thankful for this year.

I am thankful because…

  1. I turned 34! I was able to see another birthday. I’m still here. I’m healthy. Life is so uncertain. Tomorrow is not promised and things can change at any given moment. As cliché as it is to say, each day that we wake up is a blessing in itself. Don’t ever forget it.
  2. My family is strong as hell. We are all fighters. 2017 has been rough on us between my uncle getting diagnosed with cancer to financial setbacks and other personal struggles. Somehow, every single one of us has managed to pull through. I am extremely lucky that my family is MY family.
  3. I had the opportunity to make one of my life long dreams of traveling to Spain come true and I did 3 cities there on my own! Those 12 days were some of the best of my life and I will never forget them. Being able to travel in general is something that I’ll always be incredibly thankful for. These are experiences that have been worth every penny.
  4. I’m still able to do what I love every single day. What started in 2011 has continued into 2017. That’s huge for me. This little personal blog that became my business has somehow managed to evolve more and more each year. It still blows my mind that this is my job! I’m well aware that things can change at any given moment, which makes me appreciate every challenge and every triumph. I’m even more thankful for my supportive mother for being the best work partner a girl could ask for.
  5. I’ve reached my personal goal of getting an apartment in NYC! While I have not moved in yet and things still need to be finalized, it’s something that in my eyes, I’ve already achieved. I worked my ass off especially hard this year to be able to bring this vision to life and in 4 months, I’ll be LIVING that vision.
  6. My grandpa is still going strong at almost 95! Next month will be one year since my grandmother passed away. It’s been such a traumatizing experience for my grandpa. Can you imagine losing the love of your life after being together for over 70 years? I’m so damn appreciative that he is still here with us.
  7. I’ve been able to watch my precious little niece grow from a teeny tiny peanut into a toddler. I still can’t believe that she will be 2 years old in January. While I don’t get to spend time with her every single week, I am so grateful for the time that I DO get to have with her. She’s been a huge blessing for all of us and I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life.
  8. I’m more open to love than I ever have been before. I closed myself off to the idea of a serious relationship for such a long time and this year especially I worked through those inner struggles and demons. While I am still single and totally OK with that, I do have much more faith that my guy is out there.
  9. I have formed such a strong spiritual connection to my father that seems to keep developing. It might sound crazy, but he really has sent me so many different signs and messages when I have asked for them. In his own way, he continues to guide me from up above. He still manages to send me strength when I need it the most. I have felt his spirit this year more than ever before. I’m so lucky to have such an incredible Guardian Angel.
  10. I’ve been able to build an even stronger connection with all of you this year. Expanding on my lifestyle content and exposing a bit more vulnerability and transparency has really allowed me to dig deeper with my thoughts and show even more of who I am. I’m eternally thankful for the incredible response and support that you have shown me. Thank you for continuing to follow along on this journey with me, for taking the time to read my posts and engage, and for inspiring me to continue every single day. I have more love for you than you know!


What are some of the things that you are especially thankful for this year? Share them with me below! Thanks so much for reading. ❤️

  1. Ruth

    I love this post, especially numbers 1,5,8 and of course 10. I’m so proud of you and so honored that you share so much with us. I’m thankful for my little family, I was blessed with a baby girl in March this year so trust me when I say I know how quickly this year has gone by. I can’t belive your niece will be 2 soon wow!
    This year has been amazing, thank you for still being here.
    Much love ❤️

    • Naty

      Hi Ruth! Thank you SO much. It truly means a lot to me. Congrats on your baby girl this year, what an incredible blessing she is! Time is seriously moving by so quickly. Thank you for continuing to come back on here and share your thoughts with me. Wishing you the best Thanksgiving and holiday season! xo

  2. I’ve been following you for a while now Naty, and it’s really nice to get more of a peek into your thoughts. Glad you’re pushing through despite the tough year. Here’s to more accomplishments. ticking more goals of the list, more peace and of course finding bae. Thankful for this space too and how far you’ve come, you inspire!

    Princess Audu

    • Naty

      Thank you Sarah! Your support and sweet words never go unnoticed. I appreciate you continuing to follow along on the journey with me. Wishing you an amazing holiday season with many blessings!

  3. Julie

    You certainly covered all the bases and you expressed yourself beautifully. I am thankful for you, your sister, my granddaughter, and all my family. God has truly blessed us in a world full of turmoil. I ask God to protect us and guide us in the right path whatever we do in life. You set goals for yourself and are not afraid to attain them. Stay strong in your faith, be humble, and give God the glory for all your accomplishments. Keep up the great work you do by inspiring others and being true to yourself. I love you!!! May God shower you with many more blessings to come.

    • Naty

      Thank you for always reading and being so supportive of me! Love you!!

  4. chevy

    i’m thankful for you!

    • Naty

      Thankful for you too!

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