25 Random Acts Of Kindness

With everything that has been happening lately in our country and in the world, I’ve
honestly just been at a loss for words. I have the ability to choose the things that I want to share here on my platform, so in times like this I can’t help but remind everyone to spread more kindness, love and light. There is already so much ugliness, hate and division going on that we don’t need to continue adding to it every day. It seems that it is always so much
easier for people to be cruel than it is to be kind. You can literally shine light on someone’s darkest days just by doing something nice for them. I got inspired by a quote from Maya
Angelou that says, “My wish for you is to continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.” I think that it is such a beautiful message.

For today’s post, I am sharing 25 random acts of kindness that we can all do. Most of these are just common courtesy and they don’t cost a thing, but you would be surprised how often we neglect to do them. Sometimes we don’t even think about it. I just wanted this to serve as a friendly reminder for all of us. I hope that it motivates and inspires you to spread a bit more love.

  1. Give someone a compliment every day. It can be someone you know or it can be a total stranger. People are so quick to tear others down, especially on the internet, so why not change that cycle and put a smile on someone’s face.
  2. Reach out to an old friend you lost touch with and ask how they’ve been. We get so caught up in our daily lives that we often lose our connection to others. A simple text can help you form a closer bond with that person again.
  3. Smile at a stranger. When you’re passing by them on the street or
    standing in line behind them at the post office, give them a smile when they glance your way.
  4. Put extra time in the parking meter for the person after you or if you walk by an
    expired meter, put in a quarter.
  5. Open the door for someone, hold the elevator or offer to help them with their bags. They’ll be so appreciative.
  6. If you’re in line at the supermarket and the person behind you only has a few items, let them go ahead of you. Someone did this for me a few days ago and I couldn’t thank her enough.
  7. Donate and volunteer. Just a few ideas would be to volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, nursing home, or school. You can donate clothes, coats for the winter, food, and even blood. There are so many different ways to do this and there are so many people out there who are in need of our help and time.
  8. Let someone have your seat on the bus or the subway, especially if they are pregnant or an elder.
  9. Give another driver your parking spot or let them cut in front of you in traffic. Do it with a smile!
  10. Encourage others when they share their dreams with you. Don’t belittle them. Don’t judge. Just empower.
  11. Praise the work of others, whether it’s a co-worker, a friend or a fellow blogger. Show your support and let them know that their hard work does not go unnoticed.
  12. Buy a coffee for the person standing in line behind you just because.
  13. Write an encouraging message on a post-it like, “You’re beautiful!” or “Have a great day!” and leave it on a restroom mirror. I can’t wait to do this one.
  14. Leave a bunch of quarters at the laundromat the next time you go.
  15. Send a handwritten thank you card in the mail just to let someone know that you
    appreciate them.
  16. Pay for the person’s meal behind you at the drive-thru.
  17. Put your neighbor’s trash cans away for them after the trash has been picked up.
  18. Be kind to someone who was mean to you. They are usually the ones who need the most love.
  19. Bring in donuts or bagels to work one morning for your boss and co-workers.
  20. Leave positive comments on blogs and social media.
  21. Call your parents! Let them know that you are thinking of them every day. I will always regret letting several days go by without calling my father. I can never call him again. So pick up the phone. It only takes a few minutes!
  22. Offer to babysit for a sibling or friend so they can enjoy a night out.
  23. Hide a $1 bill at the dollar store or in the dollar section of Target for someone to find.
  24. Leave unused coupons next to those items on the shelf for someone else to use.
  25. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself! Wake up every morning and say 3 things that you are grateful for. Repeat those same 3 things before you go to bed.

What are some ways that you spread kindness every day? I challenge you to do more of these and I will do the same! ❤️

  1. I love this! These are such easy things to do. I’ve been looking for ways to send a little love into the world considering all that’s been going on lately.
    I try to do some of these things everyday but you’ve given me some great new ideas! Thanks for this 🙂


    • Naty

      YAY! So happy that you liked this! If only every person could do at least one of these every day, that would be amazing. Happy weekend love! xo

  2. What a wonderful post! We all need to spread more kindness into the world. It has become a much scarier place ! I would love to spread some kindness by sending you a FREE Beautycounter item of your choice. I am on a mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone and for everyone to start examining what chemicals are in the products used daily. Browse my website above and let me know what you’d like to try!

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