As you all probably know by now, NJ and NY area was hit really bad with Hurricane Sandy. I am thankful that my family and I are safe as well as our house and belongings. The worst that happened to me personally was just losing internet, cable and phone connections. For that I am thankful. My heart goes out to all those who had a real loss. People’s homes were blown away and damaged from all the flooding. There’s power outages in many areas still and trees have fallen all over the streets and even on top of some houses. The area is still a mess. There’s literally not many gas stations open around here and that ones that are have over an hour wait. A lot of banks are closed down as well as all of the local stores. It’s so heart breaking to see all of the damage and complications that the hurricane left behind.
I’ve been having blogging separation anxiety due to lack of internet the past few days. I was also stuck in my home all week until yesterday because there was obviously nowhere to go. I didn’t think it would be appropriate to have new outfit posts during this chaotic and devastating week anyway. I do however have a wedding tomorrow for a close friend that thankfully is still going to happen. So bear with me loves, new outfit posts coming soon! I just wanted to fill you all in since I haven’t been on here all week. I hope you are all doing well, especially the ones who had to experience Hurricane Sandy.

I'm so glad to hear you are safe and ok! Take your time to get back to normal, we'll be here when you get back! 🙂
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
glad you and yours are doing well. hope everything gets back to normal soon! we miss you!
So sorry to hear about everything that is going on, glad to hear you are ok and hope things get better over there!
So glad to hear that you and your family are safe and sound!
I hope everything gets back up and running quickly
Take care 🙂
xo Ally
Awww stay safe and hope everything goes back to normal in no time. 🙂
xo – Sheila
Im glad that you're ok hun! I am ok too 🙂
It is so good to hear that your family is okay! I hope that your town is able to smoothly get everything back to normal. And I am sure you will have Internet in no time 🙂