Summer Days + Focusing On The Value

Summer days always have this way of bringing some new inspiration into my life. I’ve been trying to play around with my locations lately and create content that feels a bit different from what I was doing before. I got such an amazing response on this post and hope that you have been enjoying my other recent ones too. It’s a change that feels good right now. It’s keeping me inspired and excited to see where I’ll go next and what I’ll come up with next. I must admit that even when I change things up, it doesn’t seem to make much of an impact with engagement and growth both on the blog and on social media. Regardless of that though I won’t let it slow me down. I just constantly remind myself that creating content and creating connections is what matters the most. That has to be my priority. It’s not about having the largest following or being the most popular on Instagram. I honestly don’t care about that. What I do care about is being able to reach more people and continuing to grow and connect as much as I can. For too long, I was only seeing the number and forgot to focus on the actual value of that number. I won’t ever make that mistake again.


In a weird way, I actually appreciate the lower engagement sometimes. I think that in this industry it is extremely easy to get caught up in the amount of likes and comments you receive. It’s as if a higher number makes you feel more significant somehow. You start to rely on that. You feed of it- that constant stamp of approval. When that starts to fade and die out, you see how much it affects you. It makes you question yourself. What am I doing wrong? When it picks up pace again you’re back to feeling good about yourself and your work. It’s a vicious cycle. I can’t speak for anyone else, but can totally admit that this has happened to me. I hated it. I got caught up in it. It started to feel like a game. It wasn’t a healthy feeling. It wasn’t me. The only way to get out of that cycle was to change my perspective and while I of course still feel stuck and discouraged some times, it’s not in the same way or to the same extent that it was before. I’ve shifted my focus and learned not to base the significance of my work on other people’s approval. First and foremost I’m doing this for me because I love it and it makes me happy. Everything else that has come from this has been an extra blessing that I’m eternally grateful for.

It’s important to keep moving forward no matter what. It might take you a very long time to get to a point that you’re aiming for, but remember to have patience. Don’t lose sight of what matters most and don’t get too lost or wrapped up in the numbers game. I’m not saying that numbers don’t matter in this industry because to an extent they do, but they aren’t the be all end all. Focus on the value of your content and the value that creating connections with your community will bring you. The rest will come. I promise. Remember, it’s not just about “growing your following” it’s about growing as a person. While at times it may feel as though it’s taking forever, continue to do things organically and authentically. Those who do that will always come out on top.

Top: Cotton On [similar here] | Skirt: Dynamite [old, also love] | Slides: BarIII | Earrings: Charming Charlie

Above all else, have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously. I found that being so hard on myself was taking away the joy. When you stop giving so much power to the number it will feel like a weight has been lifted. Keep feeding your creativity and continue to work hard on the quality of your content. Don’t forget to start conversations with those who are following your journey. Just keep your focus on the value and the rest will fall into place.

Love you guys and I am always so appreciative of the support that you show me. Thanks so much for reading and hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 💛

  1. Great outfit, love the colour combo!


    • Naty

      Thanks so much Rebecca! Happy weekend 🙂

  2. Chevy

    Perfectly said 💓

    • Naty

      Thanks for reading boo, love you!

  3. Nathalie N.

    love your sunglasses, what brand are they , I would love to get them

    • Naty

      Thank you! So sorry I always forget to link them. They’re a few months old from Forever21.

  4. Love your outfit<3
    It looks elegant and fashionable! xx

    • Naty

      Thanks so much Lynna! 🙂

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