Travel Tuesday: Traveling With Contacts

Welcome back to another Travel Tuesday! In continuation of my sponsored partnership with  THE eyeSOLUTION, I am sharing some of the tips I have learned for traveling with
contact lenses because let’s face it, sometimes it can be both a challenge and a hassle.

The more I travel the more prepared I have become. The hardest part about traveling with my lenses is getting through my flights with them on. I do have glasses and bring them as a back-up, but I personally only like to wear them when I first wake up in the morning and
before going to bed at night. I am not as confident in glasses as I am in contacts. I have
always been that way. I just feel more ready to take on each day when I am wearing my
lenses. My eyes dry out super fast on flights. It’s typically because of the air mixed with me
being so tired. Those late night and early morning flights get me every time and sometimes all the coffee in the world can’t help. I was somewhat careless back in my 20s when I
traveled. I don’t think that I focused on the essentials enough. As I have gotten older though and have experienced more of these issues, I’ve learned what I cannot forget to pack.
A bottle of OPTI-FREE Rewetting Drops is definitely one of those things. I have to pack it in my carry-on because if I don’t, there’s a huge possibility that I’ll be traveling with blurry
vision and that’s not fun! I use these drops several times throughout the duration of my flights and it’s made such a huge difference. They’re also great for keeping in my purse each day of my travels. I’ve learned to think of them as an every day essential.

Another must is packing an extra pair of contact lenses and of course my lens case. As I have gotten older and have been doing more traveling, I freak out about these things a bit more so they’re always at the top of my packing list. When I went to Ireland last November, I brought 4 extra lenses with me and did the same for my recent trips to London and Paris. I just get so nervous that if anything happens to them I will be too far from home to be able to do anything about it. It’s always best to be over prepared when traveling.

I just recently learned that TSA allows FULL SIZE bottles of contact solution through
security! I honestly did not know this before and usually just packed my travel size OPTI-FREE SOLUTION. This was always a pain for my longer trips because sometimes I would run out and have to buy another bottle. I like packing these things in my carry-on so that they’re close to me in case I need them on the plane. I remember one time I got mascara on my lens during a flight and I had to take it off to clean it. Let’s just say that if I didn’t have my
solution with me, I would have been navigating my way off the plane with one eye! What are some of the things that you pack for your lenses?

Thanks for checking out today’s post! Make sure to take a look at Beth’s and Ty’s posts too.  🙂

Disclosure: I received financial compensation from Alcon and THE eyeSOLUTION for my partnership.
As always, all opinions expressed are my own.
  1. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 16 and i have to admit i don’t love them, but im also very affraid of wearig contacts haha.
    do you have any tips
    The Color Palette

    • Naty

      Aw don’t be afraid! lol I totally get it though. I started wearing glasses when I was in grammar school and I couldn’t wait to get contacts. At first I was scared to have to put them in my eyes, but I promise after doing it a few times it’s no big deal at all. I am just so used to it because I’ve been wearing them practically my whole life. You should give them a try! My biggest tip would be to never fall asleep with them on and just make sure to clean them with solution and like I said in the post rewetting drops are essential! If you look down when putting them on they’ll pop right in. Let me know how it goes. You can do it! lol

  2. hooray! full sized bottles of contact solution can come with us now on the plane. thanks for sharing your tips. just love you to pieces! and your travel posts, too. so inspiring.
    xoxo beth

    • Naty

      Thank you Beth! Love you too and we need a reunion! xoxo

  3. I love your travel tip tuesday! keep up the great post girl! i hope all is well on your end.

    Love you
    xx Linh

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