Why You Should Put Your Phone Down + A Knotted Tee

lifestyle blogger naty michele wearing a knotted tee with denim shorts and a trench coat

Being on my phone is part of the job. Between checking emails, posting photos on my social feeds and sharing more of my life on IG stories, it feels like I’m always staring at my screen. I’m pretty much an open book. I’m very transparent about my life, which I think you all know by now. I enjoy sharing the real behind-the-scenes moments and giving you a closer look at my day-to-day. It’s been another amazing way to connect with all of you and I have to admit, I love my IG Stories fam. But, when is it too much? When do you actually get to live in the moment without documenting your every move?

So many of us have the mentality that if we don’t share it on Instagram then it didn’t happen. Everyone wants to “do it for the gram” but why not do it for yourself? I’ve been so mindful of this lately because I know that I am guilty of doing this. I look back and ask myself, “Did I really need to post that?” Now this is not to say that I am going to stop using IG stories, but I think it’s all about finding the right balance. We have to be able to keep some things for just us too.

I took a break from it over the past two days and it’s been wonderful. While I’ve still been on my phone of course, I haven’t felt the need to look at my screen as often. I’ve been trying to break myself out of the habit of feeling the need to record my every move. We should share what we want to without feeling as though we have to. I know that keeping up a constant presence and “appearance” is part of the job, but sometimes a little break is needed. I think we all deserve that. When you put your phone down, that’s when you are truly living in the moment.


lifestyle blogger naty michele showing close up of basket baglifestyle blogger naty michele wearing a draped trench coat with a knotted tee and denim shorts

lifestyle blogger naty michele standing in a knotted tee with denim shorts and a draped trench coat

lifestyle blogger naty michele sitting down wearing a trench coat

lifestyle blogger naty michele standing in a knotted tee with a trench coat and denim shorts

Outfit Details 

Draped Jacket: Charlotte Russe [old, similar here & here | Tee: Target
Shorts: Forever21 [also love] |Shoes: Target | Bag: Etsy | Sunglasses: Charming Charlie


I’ve sort of been going back to my blogging roots with my style shoots lately. I think I mentioned that I missed the typical street style shots. I’m honestly just going to play around with different ideas to see what works best for each look. It’s fun to switch things up more creatively, but sometimes it’s also good to keep things simple too. I’ve been a bit distracted by certain aspects of my life and haven’t been as prepared or ahead of the game as I would like to be in terms of my content. I hope you’re still enjoying my posts though! I would also love to get your thoughts on the written content of my recent style stories. I’ve been trying my best to incorporate a life chat aspect while still touching on the outfit as well.

Speaking of simplicity, I’ve been all about it lately. If you look back on my recent looks, most of them have just been a tee with denim. These pieces are so versatile and they’re great for transitioning into the fall. I wanted to style them a bit differently this time, hence the knotted tee and draped trench. It gives it such a different feel. By the way, this jacket is about 3 years old. You might even remember it as I’ve styled it here on the blog before. Since I’m wearing shorts and showing a little bit of my stomach, I wanted to balance out the look by adding on the trench. An outfit like this is perfect for the weather we have been having lately. It’s still summer, but sometimes a little dose of fall creeps in. I really enjoy mixing pieces from both seasons together.

I hope that you’re all having an amazing week so far! 💛

  1. I always enjoy your posts! I try to make it at least every few post and I binge read lol!

    • Naty

      Yay thanks so much girl! Binge read away!! 🙂 xo

  2. Rockkitty79

    You’re a breath of fresh air. I too agree that screen time for me is becoming a little excessive and I find it difficult to put my phone down. I remember when I use to go to concerts and enjoy the moment and then brag to my friends in person. Now all I see are cell phone screens everywhere and I a guilty of seeing a show through my cell screen. The it hits me. I am here, just feet away from this artist. I put my phone down and record the moment in my head. Enjoying the moment and forgetting about recording or posting. You can get really lost with social media. I have cut off facebook for over a month and I don’t regret it. I’m going back to reading blogs and books versus hearing other people flaunts and problems that aren’t really problems. You’re honesty and empathy for others it what lures me to your blog. Keep doing what you’re doing and seize the moment.

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