Dark Fall Vibes

Look guys! It’s Joyce Byers jacket! Haha This is the utility jacket that I bought for my
Halloween costume, but of course I knew that I would style it up and wear it again very soon. I am totally into this trend for the fall season.

What I’m Wearing 
Jacket: Who What Wear x Target | Tank: Cotton On [similar] | Jeans: TopShop
Booties: Isola | Bag: Mezzanotte | Sunglasses: Sunday Somewhere

When it comes to jackets, I’ve always been a fan of oversized/loose fitted ones.  I just feel much more comfortable in them, they’re great for layering and I think their overall vibe is on point.  Do you agree? I actually got really lucky when I found this at Target. It’s part of their collection with Who What Wear. I used to be so into the whole military/utility
jacket trend.  I remember when I first started blogging, I found a vintage camo jacket on Etsy and thought it was like the coolest thing ever. I actually still have it hanging in my closet.  I sort of fell out of that trend for awhile though and now that I am in a different place with my style, I was looking forward to trying it out again. This jacket is so versatile and I know that I will be wearing it more throughout the season. 😉

I was in an edgier mood when I put this outfit together yesterday.  I wanted to give it some dark fall vibes with black on black and a deep burgundy lip. Do you remember these jeans? I wore the HELL out of them last year when I first purchased them at the TopShop in Galway.  They will forever be my favorites. I’m finding myself more into casual chic looks lately
instead of the dressier vibes that I used to love so much. The holidays are coming up though, so I am sure that I will get a little fancy!  I seriously still can’t believe that we only have 2 months until the end of the year.

In other news, I am upgrading my lens very soon and I am so excited about it.  You might not be able to always tell with the photos that I post, but my mom and I have been struggling a lot lately with our shoots.  I’ve been using the same lens for a few years now and I’ve been wanting to upgrade for quite some time. It’s time to kick things up a notch. I really want to upgrade my camera too, but I think that is going to be put on hold for a little while.  Any feedback on the 85mm 1.8?

Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

-Get The Look-

  1. Liv

    One of my favorite looks.



    • Naty

      Thanks girl! xo

  2. Brittany

    HI NAT! I MET YOU TONIGHT IN MARSHALLS (EAST RUTHERFORD) AND YOUR MOM COULDN’T STOP TALKING ABOUt YOU AND YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, THAT YOU ARE A BLOGGER AND GAVE ME THE LINK. I HAVE READ ABOUT 4-5 POSTS AND I’M already obsessed! I read your 33 facts about you. Very intereSting. I couldn’t help but think, OMG, she’s so much like me! I have 3 TattoOs, my first one on my left inner wrist that Says Libra, mUsic notes on my left shoulder and an anchor on my rIght wrist. I love mUsic and singing so much that i too actually audItioned for american idol! And a couple Other shows too 🙂 i Used to have an acoustic guitar and never really leArned How to play, i would still like to learn. I do know how to play some piano though. i love netflix And breaking bad. I could netFlix and chill all Day! I love your sense of style and of course black and gold and anytHing parIs and gold eiffel towers (as we have realIzed this in marshall’s tonight lol) you are awesome! I can’t wait to see More. It was so nice to meet you and your mom, maybe i WIll see you again 😁😁

    • Naty

      Hey Brittany! It was so great meeting you too and talking about our love for coffee mugs haha. My mom is too funny, always promoting me! I appreciate you checking out the site and reading my posts. So happy you like so far. I love hearing about the similarities that I have with others, so cool! Thanks so much for the love 🙂 xo

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